Thursday, July 17, 2008

Episcopal Bloggers of the world unite!

You have nothing to lose but your brains!

In the name of the Rabbits that populate this glorious campus, the Bishop of Buckingham invites you to a community within which bishops and friends can share strange addictions, develop good practice, and work out Mighty Meaty Protocols.

If you are a bishop, or Dave, or Scott, and would like to be able to post to this blog, please email me ( and I will set you up to do so.

Please also let me know whether you want this blog to be publicly viewable (as it is now) or private to a particular circle of people.


Pierre said...

Brilliant! You are really quick, Bishop Alan. Love the rabbit--they're everywhere!

I like this to be publicly viewable.

My blog is at


Thanks again for all your work--very much appreciated.

David Chillingworth said...

Looks good, Alan. How do I post?

I think it should be open.


Bishop Alan Wilson said...


I think public will do nicely.
I am very comfortable about Scott and Dave being honorary bishops in this enterprise. I'll check the psting instructions in the meta section, and let you know! (not so quick on that one!)